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About Bangunindo

Our belief in constant technological evolution in this ever-changing digital world and our long lasting relationships with our customers make us a trusted and preferred business partner in many of our clients’ digital transformation. We offer a variety of integrated world-class solutions and services, from Network Infrastructure, IoT, Enterprise Security, Cloud & Mobility, to Product Engineering & Development for various industries such as telecommunications, government, manufacturing, banking, financial services, insurance, and the health sector.
Unveiling Our Mission and Vision
To be the trusted and reliable partner in creating innovative data management products in Indonesia

Home for Employee Best people for best result
Customer Focus Provide solutions according to customer needs and make the customer as the main focus of doing business
Innovative Solution Continues Improvement
Simplify Technology Always prioritizes the easy-to-use but highly adapted technologies
History Established in 2012, Bangunindo is a leading digital solution provider in Indonesia with experience in software engineering and data engineering.
2018 - now In the year 2018, the company marked the starting point of remarkable growth. With the evolution and advancements in data development, Bangunindo Teknusa Jaya progressively solidified its position as a key player in the data management arena. Specifically, the focus was placed on the exploration and implementation of advanced data technologies.
2015 - 2018 The company became significantly active in 2015, marking a period of rapid growth and development. After several years of operation, it shifted its focus to data engineering, taking responsibility for data management and analytics activities.
2012 Bangunindo Teknusa Jaya was established as a software house, offering services such as Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Services, Product Engineering & Development, and infrastructure.